Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Haikus Uncensored

You know those long, dreary Saturday nights on the weekend just before a quiz? This was one of them. I was in my room, studying hard(ly), but I decided to go online to do something more productive. What resulted was a 3-way conversation between the three nuttiest kooks in IITm - Sarthak Pathak, 1/6 , and Anoop V. It was too good a conversation to ignore, and I just had to blog this :D

Anoop Vargheese :  Searching for someone to share in the misery....

Nitin (One-by-Six) - What happened, da?(Is there poetry involved?)

Bindu Upadhyay - ??

Anoop Vargheese - What do you think?
(Hint: There's MugGiNG involved...)
(Another Hint: No, I haven't actually started yet.)
(Yet Another Hint: I actually want someone who can sit beside me with a newspaper in hand and hit me every time he sees me start snoring and/or mindlessly drooling over my books)

Sarthak P - There is always
a poem involved
Atleast a haiku

Nitin (One-by-Six) - That's not a haiku
Syllable count is wrong and
No season word. Fall.

Nitin (One-by-Six) - Wait a minute... :\ I thought you had robotics fundaes. Can't you make a simple bot for that? A newspaper whacking bot. You can call it the 'Sleepulator'. Geddit? 'Sleep-u-later'. Huh? Get it? [Poke] [Poke] [Poke] Or you can just call it the 'Mugmax3000'. Or 'Bob'.

I'm sorry. I'm a little high on ice-cream right now. I really shouldn't have a comp in front of me in a state like this. OOH... you can make it play just the first two lines of Chop Suey! ('Wake UP! (wake up)') over and over again every five minutes. That would work!

Sarthak P - BOB - Biological-cycle Oppressor Bot

Anoop Vargheese - Time to mug and ditch,
But I'd really rather not,
Flu Mech is a bitch.

Sarthak P - Haikus are very hard
to do because of numbers

Sarthak P - this is my haiku
it's supposed to be funny
this is epic fail

Anoop Vargheese - Bots to wake me up?
Now there's a good idea.
But can it be done?

Bob might have trouble-
Chop Suey can short-circuit
Even the toughest.

Anoop Vargheese - ...
These are troubled times,
The Quizzes running rampant,
Wish I had a nuke.

Sarthak P - Bob bot! Bob bot! Bob?
Bob bot bet big belt by bat
but bob bot bit bat :|

Anoop Vargheese - Now Pot's lost it all,
The little sense that he had,
Here come the PJs.

Sarthak P - Hey listen people

One-by-six dude
get in here fast man,really
you're missing out

Anoop Vargheese - ...
Pot you RG ass -
I need to study real bad,
You snake in the grass.

Anoop Vargheese - ...
But the harm's been done,
I cannot back down. Not now.
Let loose the hell hounds.

Sarthak P - No you cannot fold
the power,you cannot hold
of a haiku told

Anoop Vargheese - ...
Check your rhymes, Sarthak.
I feel the count slipping
On some of your odes

Nitin (One-by-Six) - HEY! Don't forget me!
I can make Haikus TOO, see?
(Nothing rhymed but PEE)

Sarthak P - ahh! now all fear!
The god of haikus is here
now it's in gear!

Anoop Vargheese - ..
Hey, One-by! That's cool!
Haiku rhymes? I feel a fool,
For missing out. Tool!

Nitin (One-by-Six) - [Facepalm] [facepalm] [face-
palm] [facepalm][facepalm][facepalm]
[facepalm] [facepalm] Ouch.

(5-7-5. It's right, right?)

Sarthak P - buffalo buffa-
-lo buffalo buffalo
buffalo buffalo dog!

Nitin (One-by-Six) - Llama Llama DUCK
Llama Llama Llama DUCK
Llama Llama DUCK

Anoop Vargheese - Sarthak! How could you?
You pulled in the Otaku?
Pi Gamma Mu!

Sarthak P - a headless horseman
sits atop a big trapeze
slowly passing gas

Anoop Vargheese - .
^Lawl. Rofl. Hehe!
Sarthak, that's pure genius.
Now go die, RG!

Anoop Vargheese - .
I must go, you see.
For the quizzes still haunt me.
I'm logging out. Bye! :D

Sarthak P - hey come on guys
This did not even reach 100
comments,it should have

Nitin (One-by-Six) - 'Slowly passing gas'
Heh... Laughed my buttocks RIGHT off,
I did. I want more!

Right... So where were we?
Oh yeah! Bob! Make one for me!
(RG the Zombie!)

Nitin (One-by-Six) - Irresistible
is the call of the haiku
Damned addictive, too!

Anoop Vargheese - Dammit! I still can't,
Where is my Bob? I can't wait.
Logging out is hard.

Anoop Vargheese - .
Damn you two. Little twerps.
The Haiku calls. Calling. Called.
Can't I mug in peace?

Anoop Vargheese - .
Besides the quizzes,
George Orwell must I present
For Lit. and Values.

250 pages-
That's how much I have to read.
Short story my ass.

Nitin (One-by-Six) - But seriously
All we used to do, was to
Get an alarm clock

I'd set it on snooze,
and once every five minutes
It would wake me up.

Wait... no. That plan cupped.
All it did was immunize
Me to all the noise.

Nitin (One-by-Six) - George?! I LOVE that guy!
What are you reading? Essay?
Animal farm? What?

Anoop Vargheese - .
She called it a "short" story.
Want: Dictionary.

Sarthak P - Oh so cool man!
so the contest continues
and sleep is gone

Nitin (One-by-Six) - I'm reading that NOW!
(Actually, it's on pause.)
But STILL. Your course rocks.

Pfft. Seriously.
FUCK E.D. You read stuff and
You get MARKS for that?!

Sarthak P - I am working on
the world's funniest haiku
it's not working out

Sarthak P - Make haikus for hours
Stare at the screen with red eyes
it's time for class

Sarthak P - okay I am taking
a small break here,I will
return in some time

Akand Toshhhhhh - WTF?? awesome thread :)

Sarthak P - :D :D :D :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D

Nitin (One-by-Six) - Hold on... how many
Syllables is a smiley?
Oh well. I vote 'none'.

Anoop Vargheese - .
Well, this thread was fun,
But I must beat temptation.
So good night, y'all!

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